About Us

We are a collection of writers working together to bring the world content both authors and readers can enjoy! We aim to work with authors to both bring a spotlight to them and bring their stories to the world.

Meet Our Team!

Rose Larson is our founder. In the book world, she uses the penname “Rose Johnson” and has published both romance and fantasy.

Her vision is to bring more attention to new and seasoned authors and support them in any way she can.

Contact her at [email protected]

My name is Sheri Williams. I’m a writer and freelance proofreader. I’m also a wife, a mom, and a nerd. I love my pets, the beach, and gardening.

Shelton Bumgarner is an aspiring novelist living in Virginia. He may be reached at [email protected]

My name is Lydia Bakeer. I’m a self-published and traditionally published author. I’m working on several WIPs at the moment and querying another novel. I’m from the UK and I’m married with 4 kiddies. I’m also a teaching assistant and a forest school assistant.

My name is Axel, aka lil bro. I’m the youngest one here and I am an aspiring poet. I write short poems now and then.

My name is Kris Mitchell. I’m a homeschooling mom of 5 (though the oldest 3 are adults now.) I also write diet spice books with emotion.

My name is Shylynn. I’m an aspiring writer who likes to dabble in all genres. I am a content creator, columnist, and news writer. I’m also a dog Mom so if I’m not writing, I’m probably curled up with a book and a dog or two.

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